Contact Us

Comments? Questions? Criticism?

General Class of 75 Info: Herb Zeilinger  284-7279

Website Setup/Hosting: Jeff Turner 652-2049

Color/Offcolor Commentary:   Ted Mattis       574-355-6824 

Photos: Carol E

(if you prefer, or you may mail your photos for scanning - send us an email and we'll send you an address to mail them to - we will return photos!)

To request a class contact list, or to update your own contact information, send an email to This information will only be shared with other class members, it will not be published on the internet. Whenever possible, we have used first names and last initials only to identify you on this website, so your future employers/employees won't necessarily find you here when they "google" your name! Also, we have used the last initials of our female classmate's maiden names rather than their current married names, because we know you're old and feeble-minded like us and wouldn't know anybody's married name anyway. For full names, request a class contact list.